Registration is CLOSED

For the 2024 Annual Meeting

Denver, CO  September 20-23 2024

Click HERE for details including 

late registration options.

Up Coming Pilgrimages

2023 and 2024 Pilgrimages to the Holy Land have been postponed to September 2-20, 2025 due to war in Israel. The 2025 pilgrimage is also planned for October 20-30, 2025.  Please continue to pray for peace in the Holy Land.

Send an email with a question or comment

Photos of recent events

2024 Annual Meeting Registration is CLOSED

Registration for the 2024 Annual meeting to be held in Denver Colorado September 20-23 is CLOSED.

If you would still like to attend, please contact the Registration Team at for for further instructions.

Marriott Tech Center Hotel ONLINE RESERVATIONS: Click HERE

YOU MUST REGISTER FIRST FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING before you can register for the hotel.  This allows us to maximize the hotel space and accommodate all planning to attend.

Any guest utilizing this hotel must make a reservation no later than Wednesday, August 23. Thereafter, reservations will be taken on a space and rate availability basis.  There is NO guarantee of the rate or a guest room after August 23.

2023 Annual Meeting Videos

Several of the presentations offered at the annual meeting were recorded and are now available for viewing.

Tim Milner’s Holy Land Commission presentation can be viewed HERE

Ihab Sabbah’s first hand account of life in the West Bank can be viewed HERE

Look for more videos to be added in the coming days.

Humanitarian Appeal for Latin Patriachate

The war in Israel has created a humanitarian crisis for many; especially for the Palestinian Christians cared for by the Latin Patriachate and supported by the Order.  At the request of Sami El-Yousef, CEO of the Latin Patriachate (click HERE to read Sami’s letter), and with the support of our Grand Master, Cardinal Fernando Filoni, our Lieutenant Shawn Cleary has asked our members in the Northern Lieutenancy to prayerful consider making a extra donation at this time to help meet these needs.  As the need is critical, a donation link has been created to expedite the process.  Please click HERE to be directed to a secure webpage where you may make an electronic donation.  If you prefer, a check made our the Northern Lieutenacy 2023 Humanitarian Aid can be mailed to our office in Omaha – PO Box 540004
  Omaha, NE 68154.

Our Lady of Palestine  – Pray for us.  Pray for peace in the Holy Land.

2023 Pilgrimage - Postponed

2023 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land has been postponed due to the Israeli-Hamas war. More details to come.  Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land

2023 Annual Meeting - Registration Closed

Registration has closed for the 2023 Annual meeting in St. Louis.  If you still wish to attend, or have any other registration concerns or questions, please email

Click HERE to go to the Annual Meeting webpage for other important information regarding this year’s meeting.

Bethlehem University Scholarship

The GRACE committee recently sent a communications regarding an opportunity to make a donation this year to the Bethlehem University Scholarship fund.   Please see the GRACE page HERE for more details.

2022 Annual Meeting Videos

Below you will find video recording of several of the Spiritual reflections offered during the 2022 annual meeting in Omaha.

Kathy Kanavy – Direction Formation – Institute for Priestly Formation

Archbishop George Lucas – Omaha, NE

Archbishop Joseph Naumann – Kansas City and Grand Prior of the Northern Lieutenancy

Bishop Andrew Cozzens – Crookston MN and Chair of the USCCB Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis

Grace in the Holy Land Project

The Northern Lieutenancy through its GRACE in the Holy Land committee has chosen to participate in funding a special project.  Click HERE to go to the DONATE Webpage for more details and learn how you can help! 

Live Stream Program - Preparing for Christmas

Holy Land Update - August 2021

At the Northern Lieutenancy Annual Meeting, this video featuring Sami El-Yousef, CEO of the Latin Patriachate, was shown providing our members with an update on the situation in the Holy Land.

Walking with Mary Video

Dr Edward Sri had planned to speak at our 2020 Annual meeting that was canceled due to COVID-19 concerns.  However, his recorded his presnetation, titled “Walking with Mary”, can be viewed by clicking HERE.

Jerusalem Cross - Annales

The annual edition of the Jerusalem Cross (#59) has been published and can be read or dowloaded by clicking HERE.

Update from the Holy Land

In the midst of this worldwide pandemic and as we are approaching Easter, Ramadan and Pesach, we received these spring reflections offered by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem’s CEO; Mr. Sami El -Yousef.

Click HERE to read Mr El-Yousef’s thoughts.

Called to be Missionary Disciples

Called to be Missionary Disciple of the Lord Jesus – Thoughts on Strategies for a New Apostolic Age was presented by Monsignor James Shea, President, University of Mary, Bismarck, ND at our Annual meeting in Des Moines.  It is a wonderful reflection on the changes faced by the Catholic church today.  Click the PLAY icon to view the video.

Bethlehem University Report

Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD is the 8th Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, the first university established in Palestinian and the only Catholic university in the Holy Land.  Brother Peter made this presentation at the Des Moines Annual meeting which includes many comments from current students.  Click the PLAY icon to view the video.

Perpetual Adoration Sisters

Perpetual Adoration Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, a contemplative order located in Sioux Falls, SD, have been making the robes and other vestments for the Northern Lieutenancy for a number of years.  H.E. Sir Shawn Cleary, Lieutenant, produced this video that gives us a glimpse of the Sisters at work.  Click the PLAY icon to view the video.

Holy Cross Video

This video of the Holy Cross was shared during our annual meeting in Des Moines.  Click the PLAY icon to view the video.

Testionial Video

Click HERE to view a testionial video from our members explaining why they joined the Order and the benefits they receive as a member

2024 Annual Donation

Click HERE to go directly to the electronic payment page to make your 2024 Annual Donation

Humanitarian Aid Donation

Click HERE to go directly to the electronic payment page to make a donation for Humanitarian Aid Appeal for the Latin Patriachate.

Bethlehem University Donation

Click HERE to go directly to the electronic payment page to make a donation to Bethlehem University Scholarship program.