Registration is CLOSED

For the 2024 Annual Meeting

Denver, CO  September 20-23 2024

Click HERE for details including 

late registration options.

2023-24 Pilgrimages

2023 Pilgrimage is Postponed

Bishop Edward Rice – FULL

Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau 

November 6-16, 2023


Archbishop Joseph Naumann

Oct 28 to Nov , 2024


Click HERE for more details.

Send an email with a question or comment

Photos of recent events



The Grand Magisterium of the Order
The link above takes you to the English language website for the Grand Magisterium of the Order.  Here you will find current and historical information on the Order.  The site includes copies of the Grand Magisterium Newletter and Annales.

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
This site is continuously updated and has been greatly enhanced. The text mostly defaults to English, but much of the site can also be viewed in French, Italian, and Arabic, and a few parts still only in French. It includes a great deal of information about the work of the Church in the Holy Land and related matters.

Order of Friars Minor – the Franciscans

The Franciscans are a fraternity living in the Holy Land, who preserve, study and render the places where the Christian faith originated.  This site is frequently updated and offers great details on the many Holy Land sites that our Order visits during our Pilgrimages.   


USA Lieutenancy Map courtesy of the North Central Lieutenancy

Websites for the USA LIEUTENANCIES


There are about 30,000 Knights and Dames worldwide, articulated within geographic areas through local organizations called Lieutenancies or Magistral Delegations (which are often the first step towards the formation of a Lieutenancy).  The Grand Magisterium of the Order website maintains a list of all the International Lieutenancies showing their Lieutenant, their Grand Prior and in most cases, a website link.  This information can be accessed by clicking HERE


English Language Vatican Home Page

Pope Francis Index Page
Links to copies of the current Holy Father’s exhortations, speeches, sermons, and other significant documents. Almost all of these are available here in English.

Papal Archives
Links to copies of previous pontiffs’ exhortations, speeches, sermons, and other significant documents. These online archives are most complete for recent pontiffs, but some material is available from as far back as the pontificate of Pius XI. Much of the earlier material is only available in Latin and/or Italian, but English versions of most of the material from the pontificates of John Paul I and John Paul II (and of some from that of Paul VI) are available here.

This opens a page on our site which contains links to many additional sources of videos and other information about the Holy land and the people who live there.