2025 Annual Meeting

Twin Cities, MN  September 19-22, 2025

More information coming Spring 2025

Up Coming Pilgrimages

Holy Land:
Archbishop Naumann and Bishop Rice, September 23-3, 2025
Bishop Conlye, October 20-35, 2025
Archbishop Rozanski, June 15-25, 2026
Rome Jubilee Year:
Fr. Daniel Kampschneider, Omaha; October 16-25, 2025
For further information and registration, contact L.P. Pilgrimages at https://www.lpjp.org/tripsonsale    1-833-944-8246

Send an email with a question or comment

Photos of recent events

Investees Hotel Reservations Now Available

A special block of rooms has been held for our Investees at our headquarter hotel, the Downtown Des Moines Marriott.  If you have not already made your hotel room reservation, please do so now by clicking on the “New Investee Room Block” below or calling the hotel directly at 1.800.228.9290. 

Nights available are Thursday, September 19, 2019 through Monday, September 23, 2019  The last day to book at this rate is Wednesday, August 28, 2019  The rate for Des Moines Marriott Downtown is $169 USD per night

Investee click this New Investee Room Block link to make your hotel reservations.

Annual Meeting Hotel Reservations

Our block of rooms at the Marriott Hotel have all been reserved.  Additional rooms may become available at a later time.  Feel free to check by clicking the Marriott Link.  Rooms remain available at the Hyatt.  We encourage you to make your reservations as soon as possible.  See links in the left side bar.

Annual Donation

A letter have been mailed to all Knights and Dames asking for them to prayerfully consider making their annual donation to the Order. This year, for your convenience, the Northern Lieutenancy is offering an electronic payment option. This is through our DonorSnap software using a secure payment website. Click HERE to be taken to the payment page.

Audience with Pope Francis at Consulta 2018

The Consulta concluded with the Lieutenants, spouses, and other attendees having a private audience with Pope Francis.  Attached is the English version of Cardinal O’Brien’s presentation to the Pope (click HERE) and the English version of the Pope’s talk.  Also attached is a news story that was release by the Vatican News.  (click HERE)

During the audience, the Pope blessed the attached image, which is titled “Our Lady, Help of Persecuted Christians”.

Each Lieutenancy received a copy of the image. It is rather large and is in the process being framed.  Probably should have it available for the Annual Meeting in Des Moines. (click HERE to view image)

Praying with the Grand Master

“Praying with the Grand Master”a booklet inspired by the words of the Grand Master, Cardinal Edwin O’Brien, contains twelve reflections offered to help guide the monthly meetings throughout the year of the Delegations, Sections, Lieutenancies across the world and, at the same time, help us in our personal prayer.  A copy of the booklet, in PDF format, may be downloaded by clicking HERE.

Holy Land Video - Consulta 2018

At the 2018 Consulta, a video of thanks from the Holy Land was shown during the opening session of the Consulta.  This video was inspirational and is begin shared as a Youtube video so that all Knights and Dames may have a chance to see it.  Click HERE to view the video.

Jerusalem Cross Summer 2018 Edition

The Summer 2018 edition of the Jerusalem Cross has been published and can be view by clicking HERE

Letter from our Grand Master - Edwin Cardinal O'Brien

Our Grand Master, Edwin Cardinal O’Brien, offers us his thoughts and encouragement during these difficult times.  Please click HERE to read his message.

Bethlehem University Celebrates 42nd Graduation Class

Bethlehem University conferred degrees on 712 graduates on June 25 and 26 at the University’s 42nd annual graduation ceremony.  This brings the total number of graduates to approximately 16,600 since the first class of 1977.

The Northern Lieutenancy will be supporting 2 scholarship students in 2018-19.

Click HERE to read more about the graduation or HERE to see a short video of the ceremony.

Update - Church of the Holy Sepulchre Reopens Feb 28

Annales 2017 – Jerusalem Cross

The 2017 edition of the Annale has been published by the and can be view by clicking HERE

THEOPHILOS III FRANCESCO PATTON NOURHAN MANOUGIAN, the Patriarch of Jerusalem,Custos of the Holy Land Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, issued the following statement:

We, the heads of Churches in charge of the Holy Sepulcher and the Status Quo governing the various Christian Holy Sites in Jerusalem – the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, the Custody of the Holy Land and the Armenian Patriarchate – give thanks to God for the statement released earlier today by Prime Minister Netanyahu and offer our gratitude to all those who have worked tirelessly to uphold the Christian presence in Jerusalem and to defend the Status Quo.

After the constructive intervention of the Prime Minister, The Churches look forward to engagewith Minister Hanegbi, and with all those who love Jerusalem to ensure that Our Holy City, where our Christian presence continues to face challenges, remains a place where the three Monotheistic faiths may live and thrive together.

Following these recent developments we hereby announce that the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, that is the site of the crucifixion of Our Lord andalso of His Resurrection, will be reopened to the pilgrims tomorrow, February 28th, 2018 at 4.00 AM

Update - Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Jerusalem’s mayor on Tuesday suspended a plan to impose taxes on properties owned by Christian churches, backing away from a move that had enraged religious leaders and led to the closure of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

In a statement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said a professional team was being established to negotiate with church officials to “formulate a solution.”

“As a result, the Jerusalem Municipality is suspending the collection actions it has taken in recent weeks,” it said.

There was no immediate reaction from church leaders, and it was unclear whether the Church of the Holy Sepulchre would reopen.

More information may be found by click HERE

Statement of the Grand Master on closing the Holy Sepulchre

Dear Knights and Dames, Brothers and Sisters in the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem:

The events of recent days in Jerusalem are alarming and merit the special attention of our Order.

In a rare and desperate initiative to keep Christian life alive in the Holy Land, Christian Churches leaders have decided to close the doors the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to protest the Municipality of Jerusalem’s “Systematic campaign against the churches and the Christian community in the Holy Land.

Betraying international treaties and centuries of practice, all Christian properties, except churches themselves, are being taxed tens of billions of dollars. This includes hundreds of agencies, including Christian schools, hospitals, homes for the needy, health care facilities, and pilgrimage centers such as the Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem. Many church assets are being frozen, fines threatened, and hundreds of thousands of dollars seized from Christian churches in an effort that will severely curtail Christian freedom of practice. These are acts of unprecedented discrimination against Christians.

I encourage all our Lieutenancies’ members to offer prayers in light of this further evidence of Christian discrimination. And at a time when Western governments tend to show special favor to Jerusalem, members might bring these anti-Christian discriminatory actions to the attention of government leaders.

His Eminence James Cardinal Stafford, KGCHS, Celebrates 60th Priesthood Ordination Anniversary

On Sunday, December 17, over 30 members of the Order participated in the 60th Priesthood Ordination Anniversary of His Eminence James Cardinal Stafford, KGCHS.  It was a very joyous occasion.  His Eminence was the celebrant at the mass held at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver.

Concelebrants included the following members of the Order:

Most Rev. Samuel J. Aquila, KC*HS, Archbishop of Denver

Most Rev. Michael J. Sheridan, KC*HS, Bishop of Colorado Springs

Rev. Msgr. Bob Jaeger, KCHS, Vicar General, Diocese of Colorado Springs

Rev. Fr. Ron Cattany, KHS, Rector of the Cathedral Basilica, Archdiocese of Denver

His Eminence Cardinal Stafford was ordained a priest in Baltimore, MD on Dec. 15, 1957.  During his many years as a priest, he has served as an Auxiliary Bishop in Baltimore, Bishop of Memphis and Archbishop in Denver. He was elevated to Cardinal in February of 1998 and served as the Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary in Rome from 2003 – 2009.  He was invested as a member of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem in 2002.

For more information and to read Cardinal Stafford’s comments, click HERE

Jerusalem Cross Newsletter

The latest edition of the EOHSJ Grand Magisteriun Newseltter (Falll 2017, vol #48) has been publiushed by the and can be view by clicking HERE

Archbishop Joseph Naumann Elected Head of Bishops’ Pro-Life Committee

In a move seen as an endorsement of St. John Paul II’s “culture of life” approach, the U.S. bishops Tuesday November 14 elected Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, as chairman of the conference’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities.

The Knights and Ladies of the Norterhn Lueitenancy congratulate our Prior, Archbishop Naumann, on his election and offer all our prayers and support as he beigns his duities as chairman.

Click HERE for more information on his election and other actions at the Bishops’ conference.

Annual Meeting - Video Links to Presentations

We were able to capture the audio and video from many of the presentations that were offered at our Annual meeting in St Louis.  These presentations include:

Our Lady of Fatima – Msgr. James Ramacciotti

Following God in Freedom & Truth – Rev. James Mason

The Vocation of the Family – Archbishop Robert J. Carlson

Grand Magisterium Report – H.E. Mary Currivan O’Brien, LGCHS

Incarnational Faith – Fr. Chris Martin

To view the videos, click HERE and you will be taken to a webpage on our site with instructions on how to view the videos.

Jerusalem Cross Newsletter

The latest edition of the EOHSJ Grand Magisteriun Newseltter (Summer 2017, vol #47) has been publiushed by the and can be view by clicking HERE

Annual Meeting Information

In preparation for our annual meeting September 15-18 in St Louis, we have added schedule of events and “what to wear when” links to the Annual Meeting web page. These items can be accessed by clicking HERE 

H.E. Count Leonardo Visconti di Modrone, KGCHS, named Governor General

On June 29, the office of Governor General transitioned from H.E. Count Agostino Borromeo, Knight of the Collar, to H.E. Count Leonardo Visconti di Modrone, KGCHS.  A video was made that highlights the dignified and collaborative transition.  It can be accessed by clicking HERE

H.E. Count Leonardo Visconti di Modrone, KGCHS gave an interview that is summarized on the Grand Masterium website.  This page also includes some biographical information.  You can access it by clicking HERE 

Electronic Registration for the
Annual Meeting is now Open

Electronic Registration for the 2017 Annual Meeting in St Louis on September 15-18 is now open.  Please click HERE to go to the registration page.  Please note that electronic registration requires electronic payment (credit or debit card payment) through our secure PayPal payment site.  A PayPal account is NOT REQUIRED.

Archbishop Emeritus Daniel W. Kucera, OSB

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Archbishop Emeritus Daniel W. Kucera, OSB, on May 30th, 2017 at the age of 94.  Archbishop Kucera was a outstanding member of the Northern Lieutenancy for many years including serving as Grand Prior from 1992-96.  He will be deeply missed.

The Knights and Ladies of Eastern Iowa were Honor Guards at his wake and led the Rosary prior to the visitation. They also processed for the funeral.

Dan Russo, editor of The Witness, has written an article briefly summarizing Archbishop Kucera’s life including remembrances from many friends and collegues.  Click HERE to read his article.

May his soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.

Annual Meeting 2017

September 15 - 18
St. Louis, Missouri
Hotel Registration is Open

Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch is FULL

Reservations are now be accepted by the Drury Plaza Hotel St. Louis at the Arch

2 South Fourth Street.

St. Louis, MO  63102

The Drury Plaza Hotel is accross the plaza from the Hyatt Regency.
Rooms have been held for us.  To make reservations, please click on the link below.


Please make your reservations by Wednesday, August 16, 2017 to receive your group rate.  Reservations made after this date will be subject to prevailing rate and availability.

Reservations may also be made by calling 1-800-325-0720 and refer to your group 

For any registration questions please email:  [email protected]

Only 1 Space Still Available for 2017 Holy Land Pilgrimage

There is still time to join the 40+ Northern Lieutenancy Knights and Ladies on our 2017 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land scheduled for October 15-24.  Bishop Carl Kemme, Dioceses of Wichita, will be our spiritual leader.  Steve and Janet Ray will be our expert guides.  Click HERE for a PDF brochure that provides all the details.  Should you have ay questions, please contact Sir Doug and Lady Angela Kolb at [email protected]

Lincoln Knights and Ladies Day of Reflection

Lincoln Nebraska Knights and Ladies held a Day of Recollection on February 4, 2017, at the Cathedral of the Risen Christ in Lincoln.  Twenty-nine Lincoln Knights and Ladies participated that led by our chaplain, Monsignor Robert Tucker. The focus of Monsignor Tucker’s presentations was on increasing spirituality in the context of the rights and responsibilities that each of us assume as members of the Equestrian Order. The Day of Recollection began with a light continental breakfast and concluded with mass and a luncheon served by the Cathedral of the Risen Christ Altar Society

Click HERE for more photos from this Day of Reflection. 

East Iowa Section Sponsor Bethlehem University Student

Nathalie Murad will receive the Dubuque, Iowa sponsorship for 2016/2017 academic year.

Nathalie is from Bethlehem and is a second year student majoring in Accounting. She received a GPA of 3.85 in the Spring 2016 semester and was named to the Dean’s list.  She is a very active and creative student and will be featured in the upcoming issue of the Bethlehem University Newsletter.Nathalie has sent us several video messages that can be seen by clicking these links: Video 1  Video 2  Video 3

Congratulations to Nathalie!   Thanks to the Knights and Ladies of East Iowa for their financial support!

And a special Christmas wish from Nathalie – by clicking Here

Lenten Reflection

Our Ecclesiastical Master of Ceremonies, Father Fred Gaglia, offers Knights and Ladies the following reflections for your use during the Lenten season starting with Ash Wednesday, March 1st.
The reflection, in PDF format, may be read or dowloaded by clicking HERE

Grand Magisterium Newsletter

The Winter 2017 edition of the Grand Magisterium Newsletter (vol 45) has been added to our website under the Newsletter section.  You can read it by clicking HERE

Northern Lieutenancy Honors
Sir John Lang and Fr David Wathen

At the 2016 Annual meeting in Omaha, Sir Tom Pogge honored Sir John Lang and Fr David Wathen for their many years of service in leading the Northern Lieutenancy Pilgrimages to the Holy Land.  On behalf of the order, Sir Tom presents Sir John a framed copy of Our Lady of Palestine looking over Palestine (photo at left)  Fr Wathen was unable to attend the annual meeting , so Sir Tom and a delegation presented his at a brief ceremony at the Franciscan Monastery in Washington DC, To view a video of this ceremony, click here.